Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The greatest story never told

I was talking to someone the other day, and they felt the need to tell me all about how Jesus helped them. They had  f#$%^& their life up and didn't know how to fix it, and wanted to know if I knew Jesus.
 Now I'm the son of church pastors, so I'm more than a little familiar with what I call "Religiosity". And the question I asked was, why do people always wait till they have F#$%^& life up so bad? on their own, might I remind you. You never hear about some guy who had a great day, won the lottery, had a threesome with twins, and decided man I got to change what I'm doing. No, they wait until it's all messed up and decide, I can't do this. Jesus save me. Instead of taking the reins on the life that they messed up and fixing things for themselves. Why the need to look to an outside source, for what is obviously an internal struggle? Now I don't want anyone to get the idea that I'm down on religion, because the people who really believe and live by it...well they amaze me. The problem is out of the thousands of them I've known, only a handful of them REALLY believed. As a matter of fact, I've seen more faithfulness and loyalty from my dogs than I have from some of them. They show up to church on Sunday, in their finest suit. With their family in tow. Make a display of their devotion, then go home and drink themselves stupid, and beat their wife and kids. All the while thinking "I'm all right." Yet I'm the crazy one cause I say jesus was an alien.

1 comment:

  1. For most people belief in any kind of deity is worn like an accessory. Honestly, most people should just get a fur coat lined with baby-skin. It would show their true colors much better.
